Sunday, April 27, 2014


Veganism is one of the strongest cleanses you can give to your body.
It cleanses you of:
and so much more.
Since I went vegan I have even been cleansed of my anxiety and panic attacks.

My body has never felt so healthy, happy, and strong. My energy has multiplied, my pant size has shrunk, and my confidence has grown. My skin is going through a detox phase currently, causing breakouts, but I can say that my skin has been getting a natural glow.

I wanted to take my health even further and I even cut out all caffeine. This has been much easier than I expected. I have been getting the most incredible, solid sleep; which enhances happiness, relaxation, motivation, and energy. 

To go even one more step further I'm planning to do a juice cleanse. I'm not sure when exactly, hopefully in the middle of May. (if you have any delicious juice recipes feel free to shoot them my way!)

Taking care of your body really does pay off. I can honestly say this is the healthiest and happiest I've felt in my 20 years of life. 

I hope this inspires at least one person to listen to their body and do it good.
It's so worth it in the end.

Good luck. x

-- Chat with me on twitter! @hello_vegan --