Friday, May 23, 2014

"The body talks and meditation helps"

I have been on a huge spiritual journey this past month.
I have been experimenting with food, meditation, emotions, technology and time. 
Lately I have been tapping deep into my spirit to repair, replenish, and awaken it.

You would be very surprised to see how much you're missing out on just from being connected to your phone and computer. 

Just by putting down the electronics you can feel your soul glow.
You can breathe more deeply. 
You can take in the world in a much more beautiful way.
Most importantly you can think clearly.

Since putting down my phone I now see the world in a brand new way. I'm not connected to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. I don't look at things and say to myself "I should tweet that" or "let me Instagram this!". I can now look at things and see them for the true beauty they exude. 

On top of cutting out technology, I have been working on minimizing my carbon footprint. 
I started recycling, I have been using less products that produce waste, I cut out plastic bottles, I use bamboo utensils for every meal to cut back on water waste and use of plastic utensils when out, and many more eco conscious practices.

Giving back to Mother Earth is something that many people forget to do in todays world. 
It's so important though! Even just recycling the water bottle you just finished is a huge help.

Another thing I have started is eating a lot more raw food. Raw food is so nourishing for your body and soul. The best part is you can eat endless amounts! Enjoy the candy Mother Earth grows, indulge in as many fruits and veggies that your heart desires, and feel your soul shine. 

To keep my soul shining I have also been meditating and experimenting with my crystals more often. It has helped me so much with balancing, stress relief, and healing. I meditate when I wake up, when I eat, when I'm in the shower, when I'm just relaxing, and honestly just whenever I get the chance to. 

This is just a taste of what I have been doing this past month to let my spirit grow. I haven't felt this healthy and strong in quite some time. Once I find the perfect balance of all these components I plan to share them in more detail with all of you. 

Well that's all for now! I hope you're all doing well and shining bright. 
Talk to you soon.

- Love&Light -